Whilst hosting a photographic safari in South Africa’s majestic Madikwe private game reserve, spotted hyenas were a common sighting most days as their density is relatively high in the area. The other species of hyena on the other hand, the brown hyena, we had some glimpses but nothing rock solid and definitely nothing that resulted in a good photograph.
On our last afternoon game drive we took a bit of a chance – our knowledgeable guide knew of a potential brown hyena den sight but warned that it may be inactive due to no recent sightings. We had been very lucky the past week so decided to take the chance and check it out.

A bit of a long drive later and we arrived at a cavernous wall dotted with large holes and small tunnel entrances – which one exactly was the den was a bit of a mystery so we decided to play the game of patience and simply sat and waited. And waited. Quiet small talk was a saviour as it wasn’t looking hopeful, until… movement in one of the holes.
Before we knew it two young brown hyena cubs emerged into the golden sunlight, their furry little bodies in the full clear for us to see. Hearts began to pound and there was an immediate rush for cameras. After a bit of casual meandering their playful side suddenly kicked in as they began to joyfully chase and tackle each other to the ground, getting up only to immediately repeat the same game of rough tag. They zoomed in front of and around our vehicle for about fifteen minutes – culminating in one of the most beloved sightings of my life.

There's something incredibly heartwarming about witnessing the playful antics of any young animal - but with these elusive creatures, often shrouded in mystery, gave us such a wholesome and beloved sight. Watching these cubs frolic in the wild was a rare privilege — an enchanting glimpse into their world of sibling bonds and early exploration.

As they chased each other through the golden light, their fur bouncing in the wind and dust spilling into the air in their wake – it was impossible not to be charmed by their infectious energy. Their play was full of clumsy, uncoordinated movements but every tumble and joyful leap showed the beginnings of the strength, agility and determination they'll later need as solitary adults. What’s most fascinating is how the pups mirror the behaviours of their parents, practicing the skills they'll use to survive in the wild: early signs of stalking and wrestling each other to the ground - their youthful play acting as a training and learning exercise.
These moments, no matter how brief and seemingly obscure, are a reminder of the untold beauty in nature where even the smallest or most unguarded interactions hold the power to inspire awe.
